Technical Readouts Not Available Technical Readout: Golden Century Technical Readout 3039 Technical Readout Sucession Wars Technical Readout 3050 Upgrades Technical Readout Clan Invasion Technical Readout 3055 Upgrades Technical Readout 3058 Upgrades Technical Readout 3060 Technical Readout 3067 Technical Readout 3057 Revised Technical Readout 3075 Technical Readout Jihad Total Chaos Technical Readout 3085 Technical Readout 3085 Supplemental Technical Readout Vehicle Annex Technical Readout Project Phoenix Technical Readout Prototypes Technical Readout 3145: Draconis Combine Technical Readout 3145: Mercenaries Technical Readout 3145: Capellan Confederation Technical Readout 3145: Federated Suns Technical Readout 3145: Free Worlds League Technical Readout 3145: Lyran Commonwealth Technical Readout 3145: The Clans Technical Readout 3145: Republic of the Sphere Technical Readout Dark Age Technical Readout: Irregulars Experimental Technical Readout Davion Experimental Technical Readout Kurita Experimental Technical Readout Liao Experimental Technical Readout Marik Experimental Technical Readout Steiner Experimental Technical Readout Mercs Experimental Technical Readout Boondocks Experimental Technical Readout Corporations Experimental Technical Readout Gladiators Experimental Technical Readout Pirates Experimental Technical Readout Primitives Vol 1 Experimental Technical Readout Primitives Vol 2 Experimental Technical Readout Primitives Vol 3 Experimental Technical Readout Primitives Vol 4 Experimental Technical Readout Primitives Vol 5 Experimental Technical Readout Phantoms Experimental Technical Readout Succession Wars I Experimental Technical Readout Republic Vol 1 Experimental Technical Readout Republic Vol 2 Experimental Technical Readout Republic Vol 3 Experimental Technical Readout Gunslingers Experimental Technical Readout Most Wanted Jihad Hot Spots: 3076 Jihad Secrets: Blake Documents Jihad Hot Spots: Terra Jihad Conspiracies: Interstellar Players 2 Handbook: House Marik Jihad: Final Reckoning Era Digest: Age of War Era Digest: Golden Century Era Digest: Dark Age Historical: Reunification War Historical: Liberation of Terra Vol 1 Historical: Liberation of Terra Vol 2 Historical: Operation Klondike Historical: Wars of the Republic The War of Reaving Starterbook: Sword and Dragon Starterbook: Wolf and Blake BattleTech Dossiers: The Bounty Hunter Battletech Dossiers: Jason Zaklan Battletech Dossiers: Youling Zhanshi Record Sheet 3145 New Tech, New Upgrades Record Sheet 3150 New Tech, New Upgrades Recognition Guide: ilClan Vol 1 Recognition Guide: ilClan Vol 2 Recognition Guide: ilClan Vol 3 Recognition Guide: ilClan Vol 4 Recognition Guide: ilClan Vol 5 Recognition Guide: ilClan Vol 6 Recognition Guide: ilClan Vol 7 Recognition Guide: ilClan Vol 9 Recognition Guide: ilClan Vol 10 Recognition Guide: ilClan Vol 12 Recognition Guide: ilClan Vol 14 Recognition Guide: ilClan Vol 16 Recognition Guide: ilClan Vol 17 Recognition Guide: ilClan Vol 18 Recognition Guide: ilClan Vol 19 Recognition Guide: ilClan Vol 20 Recognition Guide: ilClan Vol 21 Recognition Guide: ilClan Vol 22 Field Report 2765 AFFS Battle of Tukayyid Dominions Divided Recognition Guide: Vol 1 - Classics
Era Not Available Age of War (2005 - 2570) Star League (2571 - 2780) Early Succession Wars (2781 - 2900) Late Succession War - LosTech (2901 - 3019) Late Succession War - Renaissance (3020 - 3049) Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061) Civil War (3062 - 3067) Jihad (3068 - 3085) Early Republic (3086 - 3100) Late Republic (3101 - 3130) Dark Age (3131 - 3150) ilClan (3151-9999) Succession Wars Age of War / Star League
Technology Not Available Inner Sphere Clan Mixed
Unit Type Not Available BattleMech BattleMech - OmniMech BattleMech - Quad BattleMech - Tripod BattleMech - Super-Heavy BattleMech - Primitive BattleMech - LAM BattleMech - QuadVee BattleMech - Drone ProtoMech ProtoMech - Quad IndustrialMech Combat Vehicle - Tracked Combat Vehicle - Hover Combat Vehicle - Wheeled Combat Vehicle - WiGE Combat Vehicle - VTOL Combat Vehicle - OmniVehicle Naval Vessel - Surface Naval Vessel - Submarine Infantry - Battle Armor Infantry - Conventional Infantry Infantry - Foot Infantry - Motorized Infantry - Mechanized Hover Infantry - Mechanized Tracked Infantry - Mechanized Wheeled Infantry - Mechanized VTOL Infantry - Beast Mounted Infantry - Jump Infantry - Wheeled Infantry - VTOL Infantry - Hover Support Vehicle - Tracked Support Vehicle - VTOL Support Vehicle - Hover Aerospace - Aerospace Fighter Aerospace - Conventional Fighter Aerospace - Small Craft Aerospace - Aerodyne Dropship Aerospace - Spheroid Dropship Aerospace - Pocket Warship Aerospace - OmniFighter Aerospace - Drone Aerospace Fighter Advanced Aerospace - Jumpship Advanced Aerospace - Warship Advanced Aerospace - Space Station Weapon Parts
Tonnage Not Available 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 125 135 150 200 Parts
Sculpt Type Not Available Original Resculpt Resin Re-seen Classic