Attention: Updated IWM visiting hours will be between 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM EST, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Closed to in-house sales Tuesday and Thursday.

Message from Mike Noe, President of Iron Wind Metals

Greetings and welcome to Iron Wind Metals latest KickStarter for Ral Parthas Chaos Wars.
The 1st KickStarter hit the ground running with Ral Partha elves and orcs.
This time, among other metal goodness, we're rolling out dwarves, undead, and troglodytes. 
In order to make this KickStarter more user friendly for you, we're trying something a bit different this time.
Instead of the standard tiers of pledge levels, all with fixed rewards, we're going with one basic pledge level, followed with a dragon's horde worth of add-ons, which you can mix and match as you like. 
We of course are continuing the tradition of fantastic army builder deals as we did in our first KickStarter, with Limited Edition Blister Packs, Collector Sets, Battalion, Brigade, and Legion deals only available to our KickStarter backers. As before, we are offering the best deals for building armies thru the KickStarter. But this time, we're allowing you more leeway to build exactly the forces that you want.
Once again mixing classic Ral Partha minis with exciting new sculpts, we're making available enough metal goodness to satisfy the most covetous dwarf, insatiable litch, or ravenous troglodyte. 
We hope you like what we've done so far, and that you will again join us on this next phase of our quest to bring the spirit of Ral Partha back to war gaming. 
                                                                                                                        Michael Noe
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